Gran Canaria got a white Christmas Day of sorts due to a heavy calima yesterday and the dust will hang around for Boxing Day.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015 09:38

Gran Canaria Weather: Sunshine For Christmas

After two days of autumnal weather in Gran Canaria, the sunshine is back and set to stay for Christmas.

Sunday, 20 December 2015 13:07

Gran Canaria Weather Aviso For Rain & Waves

After three weeks of constant sunshine and summer temperatures, Gran Canaria is set for a quick blast of winter today and tomorrow. Then it's back to the sunshine.

A cold, wet front is due to sweep over the Canaries on Sunday and Monday, but the sunshine will be back afterwards.

The warm weather looks set to continue in Gran Canaria this week as tropical air heads north.

An east wind brings warmth and dust to Gran Canaria this week following a few days of unsettled northern air.

It's been a mixed week in north Gran Canaria, but the south and the resorts have had plenty of sunshine. The weekend will be the same with Sunday looking good all over the island.

This week starts with a sunny, windless Monday with temperatures in the high twenties; Pretty much perfect weather.

Gran Canaria and all of the Canary Islands will be hot this weekend as an east wind brings hot air and some dust over from North Africa.

Tuesday, 03 November 2015 12:29

Gran Canaria Weather: Scorchio All Week

The weather forecast for this week (week one, November 2015) is simple: It's sunny!

Friday will be mostly sunny, but Saturday is a rainy day in Gran Canaria.

Saturday, 17 October 2015 08:35

Gran Canaria Weather: Sunny Weekend Coming Up

That's it folks, back to the beach; at least until Sunday afternoon. 

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