Thursday, 26 November 2015 10:13

Gran Canaria Weather: Sunny Resorts, Cloudy North

South Gran Canaria will be mostly sunny this weekend South Gran Canaria will be mostly sunny this weekend

It's been a mixed week in north Gran Canaria, but the south and the resorts have had plenty of sunshine. The weekend will be the same with Sunday looking good all over the island.

The effects of the cold snap in Europe are starting to fade, but north Gran Canaria will get cloud blowing in from the Atlantic and stacking up. Expect cloud with sunny patches with solid cloud and rain in the northern highlands.

In the south and the resorts, the bubble of sunshine will stay in place meaning blue skies most of the time between now and the end of the weekend. The wind will drop today and should be low for the next few days.

Temperatures will remain cool (19ºC - 27ºC) until Sunday when the last of the cold air blows over. The water temperature is holding up at 22.5ºC; plenty warm enough for a swim. 

The surf will be big enough to get in the water.

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